Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Experiential Learning meets Digital Cultures

or What does Paul Daniels say about my learning choices?

In juxtaposition to the E-learning and Digital Cultures MOOC #edcmooc course (which I understand is now 260,000 students strong), I am also undertaking a Postgraduate Certificate in the Delivery of Soft Skills and Experiential Learning #unipgcert with just 11 other students.

I have often not enjoyed my experiences of "Experiential Learning", and I have used the technique even less in my own classroom-based training.  To some extent I object to the name - as someone who teaches Twitter on Twitter, I think you can't get more experiential than that!  But this is about mowing down my pre-conceptions, ignoring the bad practice and poor training I have experienced, and focussing on how to get real "aha!" moments of self-awareness to occur in a pre-planned environment.  That's got to be a good thing :)

At the moment I feel that the two courses relate to each other like this:

or in the words of Paul Daniels "not a lot". 

I'm looking forward to mixing and matching my learning in the pursuit of creating a learning curriculum that develops social media business skills, whilst at a meta-level ensures experiential opportunities to develop the qualities and skills expected of 21st century employees.

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