Sunday, 18 November 2012

The buzz has started early

If this course never starts, and the only thing I get from it is what's happened so far, it's already been worth it.  I've met so many people who do what I do for a living, who "get" learning, and of course, who are constant learners themselves.

I was as surprised as Kyle Bettley to receive my welcome email a good two months plus in advance of the course starting, but it does make sense.  Especially when we all need to make ourselves familiar with so many platforms, and I know that the online amplification may well introduce others to the course in good time to plan it in to their diaries, so it makes sense on many levels.  And of course we all want to talk about learning!  We can't wait to get stuck in.  So we're being encouraged to do so.  Fab!

I've set up a Twitter list of all early contributors here: although simply searching on #edcmooc will allow you to see the conversation, looking at all the members of a list on one page is like going to a party where you know you want to speak to *everyone*!

And my learning experience has already started:

I have offered technical support to a fellow #edcmoocer in Spanish (thanks to Google translate):

I have learned about Synchtube for watching videos and commenting, which was new to me.  And of course there is this, my first Blogger blog.  I'm teaching Wordpress tomorrow, so in the spirit of learning have abandoned the comfort zone of WP for the strange climate of Blogger.  Here's to new learning experiences, to new colleagues and friends, and to #edcmooc !


  1. hi Liz, thanks to you for setting up the #edcmooc Twitter list. I think it really got the ball rolling for everyone. Good luck with your Blogger blog. Ironically, I'm heading the other way and will start a WordPress blog for the course. Any tips gratefully received! PS here's one for you - if you go to "Templates" in Blogger you can change the layout to lots of different styles, layouts & formats.

    1. Thanks Chris, I think Wordpress pretty much explains itself, especially ifyou are already blogging. I think you'll find it richer in features and design . . .

  2. Hi Chris and Liz, Thanks to you both for the #edcmooc and map. I wish I had something effective to contribute... nothing at the moment but there is still time (plenty!).
    I haven't got to synchtube yet, or flikr, but they are next on the list. This is my first foray into blogger, wordpress has been my tool to date, and blogger seems pretty easy. I'm still trying to find a template that will let me put what I want on the front page in the way I want it displayed, and also surely on each blog there is a follow button??? At the moment I am copying the link and adding it to the list of blogs I am following.
    I think my overall aim (if we have to work this bit out ourselves) is to somehow link the twitter, google+ and blogger feeds so that it all appears in the one spot. The notifications come into my gmail, but that will keep my communications within the group too narrow, just to those I follow.
    Just off to a workshop, this is the slide I was sent. Maybe this is useful for someone. Cheers, Angela

  3. That workshop looks interesting Angela. My business co-founder, Helen Whitehead @HelenWhd has been involved in Carpe Diem. Thanks for the link :)

  4. Hi Liz - I love the energy and enthusiasm of your blog - and your overall positivity. I am finding it all really exciting also - but a little bit overwhelming too; particularly the abundance of platforms with which to become familiar. I have managed to look at a couple of blogs and the FB group - and keep an occasional eye on Twitter - but have only just dared peek into Google+ just now. Good luck with your blog, I know you will enjoy the course, Sandra

    1. Hi Sandra,

      Just saw your reply. Not long til we get started now. Hope to follow your musings too.
